
A Cat and a Dog! by Shane Wilder

This weeks intro is going to be short and sweet.  If you recall my last blog, I was visiting my aunt out in the Big Thicket National Forrest.  There were many photos of the forest, but I also did a lot of shots of the cat and dog out there.  I hope you enjoy these diva models who kept hamming it up for the camera.

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Rabbit, Ducks, Cat, and...Squirrel! by Shane Wilder

Animals are very interesting to film...Especially, wild and feral animals.  Many times you have to be in the right place at the right time with the right equipment.

Usually these type photos can not be planned out because wild animals will do what they want to do.  My trick is to just start shooting and as I see what the animal is doing, I adjust.

There is also the idea of patience.  If I really want to get the shot of certain animals, I may wait upwards of an hour just to get the shot.  The funny thing is that I don't know what "the shot" is until it happens.  This is all up to the animals...

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