Flying a Drone, Part 3: Part 107: Do You Need One? / by Shane Wilder

So, do you need to get a Part 107 license?

Are you wanting to make some side scratch? Are you wanting to sell your photos or videos? Do you want to use a drone to survey land or take video of property that you have on the market? If that is the case, then your answer is: Yes, you need a Part 107 license.

Now, the big question is: What do you need to do to get licensed?

This week we will discuss what you need to do before you even take the test.

How to Prep

Okay, so you have come to the conclusion that you need to get your Part 107, but now you need to decide how to prep for the test.

There are many ways to learn the information needed to pass the test. some cheaper than others.

For those who don’t mind spending the money, there are many online courses that can help you learn. Drone Pilot Ground School is one of the most popular. These usually have videos and practice test to ensure you are soaking in what you need to know. I can’t say much about these courses other than research different ones and find one with a good track record if this is the avenue you choose to pursue.

Others might choose my route of self study. This solution can be absolutely free.

Everything you need can be found on the FAA website. Take advantage of it. Read all of the free PDFs and take the practice test. Now, this may seem like a lot and it can be confusing, but you should always reference these documents as they are what will ultimately help you pass.

This is not to say that these are the only free supplements out there. I also recommend a video by Tony Nothrup. I will say that you should do some independent study and take at least one practice test before viewing this, as it will give you a firm understanding of what you are weak on.

There is also a practice test you can take on 3DR. After taking it, watch this video by Better B Roll, as it will go through every question on the 3DR practice test.

My favorite test, however is the one on Kings Schools, as it is a free test you can take as many times as you want. It is also random, so you don’t always see the same questions.

What You Will Study

Well, if you think you are going to study flying…Sorry, the FAA is not going to test you on that. In fact, you could take the test without ever touching a drone, but I would not recommend it. That is putting the cart before the horse.

Instead, you will learn what you need to do before going up in the air and what to do once you are up.

The main focuses are where and when you can fly, reading sectional charts, supplements, NOTAM’s, and METAR’s, how weather works, and safe practices.

If this all sounds Greek to you, don’t fret. Next time I will get into what you will know and a couple of other preps you can take before testing.

‘Til next time.


Shane H. Wilder